Wisdom Teeth Solutions by Dr. Calat

Dear Parents,

Oral surgery, especially for children and teens, requires thoughtful preparation and care. Here are some essential tips to help before and after surgery, pain relief strategies, and nutritional advice to ensure a smooth and comfortable recovery process. 

Preparing Your Child for Oral Surgery

Essential Tips

Ensure your child refrains from eating or drinking for 8 hours before surgery if IV sedation is used. For local anesthetic or nitrous oxide, a light meal is okay. An adult is required to accompany the patient. Dress them in loose clothing, avoid jewelry and nail polish, and secure long hair back. Contact lenses should be removed, and ensure their mouth is clean. Leave cell phones behind for a focused and serene environment. If you child takes any medication, please review with your oral surgeon prior to the visit. If your child has a cold, please consult our office for advice.

Post Surgery Pain Relief 

We will provide advice specific to your child for pain management. We recommend taking your pain medication before the local anesthetic wears off, followed by doses as needed as prescribed. If pain persists and does not improve, contacting the office for guidance is important.

Food Guidelines

For the initial days after surgery, focus on soft, easily consumable foods like Jell-O, yogurt, protein shakes and applesauce. As healing progresses, introduce foods that are soft but require minimal effort to eat, such as scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, and steamed vegetables. Always avoid hard or crunchy foods to facilitate a smooth recovery.
Week One General Guidance
In the first week post-surgery, it’s crucial to remove gauze pads once home and alternate rest with applying ice packs to reduce swelling. Ensure your child eats before taking any medication, sticking to a soft diet and avoiding the use of straws in the first 24 hours to prevent complications. Starting the day after surgery, gentle oral hygiene can resume alongside warm salt water rinses to aid healing. Avoid strenuous activities for a week to ensure proper recovery. For any concerns, our office is always ready to assist.